Better Sleep Tonight – 5 Simple Tricks You Can Try Tonight

We often find that it’s worthwhile to give up something good for something even better. Sacrifice is a principle of life.

Too often, we apply this principle to our sleep.

Numerous studies have shown the benefits of consistent, uninterrupted sleep. And yet, when the going gets tough, sleep is the first thing we sacrifice in the name of making our lives work.

Unfortunately, sleeping isn’t something you can bank and use later, neither can you “catch up” on the weekend. Repeated nights of too few hours or of low quality sleep can result in long-term health risks including increased risk for heart disease, more rapid aging, impaired memory, emotional instability, and depression. Your ability to cope with stress diminishes with time.

Sleep Post - Pull Quote 1

Imagine the effects that can have on your life. How would your emotional instability effect your friends and family? How would the reduction in memory and creativity effect your working life? This is where regularly getting a good night’s sleep could mean literal money in the bank.

Do it right
1. Turn off the television and try to avoid all screens, including your phone, for an hour or so before bed. Limiting your media to relaxing music or books just before bed has been shown to help your brain more easily settle into the relaxed state necessary for a good deep sleep.

Watching screens have also been shown to suppress the production of melatonin, a key hormone in controlling your sleep and waking cycles.

2. Set a bed time … and stick to it! (No, you didn’t wander into a parenting post.) Try it! You’ll find that a little self-discipline can go a long way in this area. After all, being a healthy, well-balanced adult means being a good parent to yourself. It may be difficult at first, but sticking to the routine as much as possible ensures you get the time you need to rest. Making your circadian rhythm consistent results in better sleep over all.

3. Get regular massage. This one is obviously self-serving, but it also has the benefit of being true. What’s more, massage isn’t just for the rich anymore, and is more affordable than ever.

Massage has been shown to improve sleep in people of all ages, including children and seniors. This extra measure can be particularly helpful for those who suffer from chronic pain. Massage provides relief from the kind of pain that keeps you up, or at least tossing and turning.

4. Prepare the bedroom. It’s best to keep your room as dark as possible and relatively cool. Avoid using clock radios with bright displays or night lights.

Also, keep the television off and avoid working on your laptop in bed. The more you associate your bed and the bedroom with sleep or intimacy, the more it will feel like a sanctuary from the cares of the day, and the better your sleep will be.

5. Invest in a good bed, pillow, and linens. And we don’t use the word invest lightly here. The benefits of better sleep are strongly correlated with higher incomes and more prosperous lifestyle. You spend nearly half your life in bed! Make it count, and get the best mattress, pillow, and linens you can reasonably afford. This is one investment you can be certain will pay off down the road.

Just because your body seems to be on autopilot when it comes to sleep, you really shouldn’t have that mindset. Look at getting enough sleep as essential self care. The rewards are well worth it.

As with everything on this blog, none of this information should be construed as medical advice or care. The employees of The Good Life Massage, including the writers of this blog, are not medical doctors. Consult with your physician before making any changes to improve your health.

Tom Gunn is the Marketing Director and Blog Editor at The Good Life Massage. You can follow him on Twitter @tomgunnpoet.

This Simple Enhancement Will Maximize Your Massage

Our unique Tension Release Treatment is one of our best discoveries.

The Tension Release Treatment is a session enhancement using a blend of massage oil and AromaTouch. We offer it as either a spot or a full body treatment. Add it to your session when your massage online. 

The spot treatment focuses on specific areas that need improvement, whereas the full body treatment has the blend applied on the body throughout the entire session. The blend is made up of several different essential oils. The mixture consists of:

Peppermint essential oils add a crisp and sharp fragrance while feeling cool and soothing on the skin.
Peppermint essential oils add a crisp and sharp fragrance while feeling cool and soothing on the skin.
  • Lavender–the most versatile of all essential oils. With its floral fragrance, Lavender helps you relax and unwind.
  • Basil–creates a sense of balance and calms your mind.
  • Cypress–adds an evergreen aroma and restores feelings of security and stability. Cypress is also beneficial for oily or troubled skin.
  • Marjoram–produces a warming effect on both mind and body.
  • Peppermint–another basic essential oil used to relieve head pressure
  • Grapefruit–good for removing acne and toxins from the body.
  • Lemon grass–supports overall well-being.

This blend of essential oils generates a sweet, woodsy, herbal scent. You’ll feel as though you dove deep into the heart of a springy evergreen forest.

Who needs it?
The purpose of tension release treatment is found in the name of the enhancement itself. It provides a more deep and meaningful massage without the therapists diving in with forearms and elbows. If you’re coming in to recover from an intense day at work, our tension release treatment will leave you feeling even more satisfied compared to a massage alone.

Tension Release Treatment is also great for those who come in to simply relax. The enhancement’s stress relieving effect calms the mind. Since our mind controls our body, you’ll find yourself in a deep peace. After all, our goal here at GLM is to provide the best experience for our clients.

The therapist behind the formulation of our Tension Release Treatment is Kylee Davis, the co-owner of the Good Life Massage. Kylee knew that the body and mind are connected: if one was feeling beat, so would the other. Most people associate relaxation with doing nothing. Not so. Real relaxation takes effort. Your mind is constantly on the go. This makes the enhancement perfect for those who run on a “one speed-fast” mind.

When asked why she would recommend clients adding on a Tension Release Treatment to their session she replied, “I am able to get through their superficial issues faster and access deeper tissue easier.”

Tension release is one of those little extras that make your massage even more beneficial and satisfying.
Book your next appointment with us and don’t forget to add a Tension Release Treatment to your massage today.

As with everything on this blog, none of this information should be construed as medical advice or care. The employees of The Good Life Massage, including the writers of this blog, are not medical doctors. Consult with your physician before making any changes to improve your health.

Tanner Zornes is a Marketing Associate at The Good Life Massage.

What’s a DOR? This Simple Change Can Reduce Stress and Boost Productivity

It’s ancient–3,000 years old, perhaps more. It’s been debated by the sages and philosophers through the ages. It’s even been the subject of recent best-selling books.

It has the power to make you happier, reduce your stress, and make you more productive every single day.

Day of Rest, or DOR, comes from religious traditions, but you can enjoy the benefits regardless of your personal beliefs. DOR involves choosing one day of the week to set your daily work and routine tasks aside. You may choose to avoid shopping, your smartphone, and media noise. You can replace these things with spending time with loved ones and reflecting on personal goals. A day of rest can become the keystone of your self care.

DOR is known in Judeo-Christian circles variously as the sabbath, shabbat, or the Lord’s Day. From those traditions, DOR made the jump to the culture at large. In the United States, this idea has a long, though forgotten, history. The sabbath used to be a public institution in most US cities. As late as 1918 stores, factories, and other places of business were routinely closed on Sundays in most US towns and cities. Many places even had laws against activities deemed to be violations of sabbath observance.

Although many people of faith still observe a weekly day of rest, few Christians or Jews take it seriously anymore. To the non-religious or unaffiliated, the idea may be a completely foreign concept. And aside from the custom of the weekend, nothing in the culture today resembles the old DOR customs.

Why DOR is due for a comeback
We’re all busy. In fact, many of us wear our stress like a badge of honor. We all like to feel important, and many of us feel like a booked schedule is proof of that. That “always booked” feeling comes with a cost, though.

Long term stress has been shown to increase risk for some of the most deadly diseases of our time. These including heart disease, stroke, and cancer. That’s not to mention the mental health impact, which can include depression and suicidal thoughts.

You may feel like you can’t slow down, that you have no choice but to be constantly going.

But think again. Whatever pressure you find yourself under, you’re in control of your own decisions. Few of us are so important that it’s impossible to change the way we use our time.

In any case, you can’t take care of anyone unless you take care of you first.

This simple life hack can

  • improve your mental and physical health
  • add to your productivity throughout the week
  • add years to your life
  • help you enjoy whatever precious time on earth you have left

Is it worth it?
Imagine waking up on a day when your email doesn’t matter. Imagine your mind being occupied, not by your frantic schedule or the latest horrors on the news, but on taking care of yourself and those closest to you. Imagine a day free of traffic jams, crowds, or the rush to produce/consume more and more and more.

How to get started
Choose a day with you and your loved ones as a day of rest. Invite others to take part, but don’t force it. You can, though, set boundaries with your friends and family and ask that they respect them. The more support you have, the more likely it is you’ll stick with your new habit.

Weekends work best for most people since those are usually days off work. The day of the week you choose makes little difference, but pick a day where you won’t be going to work . It should also be a day when you can cut loose many of your routine responsibilities with minimal impact on others.

What do I do?
What you do will vary with each person. Focus on self care. Choose activities that will help you reconnect with yourself and others on a personal level.

  • Relax!
  • Read.
  • Do some public service or volunteer work.
  • Visit with friends and family. Is there an elderly or shut-in family member that could use a visit? This would be a great day to stop by and put a smile on their face.
  • Attend worship services.
  • When was the last time you went for a long walk?
  • Is there a hobby you’ve been neglecting?
  • When was the last time you focused your attention and listened closely to music you love?
  • Nap!
  • The list could go on and on.

Is there anything I shouldn’t do?
You’re an adult! Nobody will ground you if you break your own rules. But setting boundaries for yourself and keeping them improves your connection with yourself. It helps you feel like a person of integrity.

Some suggested things you may want to avoid can include

  • shopping
  • the news
  • social media
  • television
  • your job
  • medical or dental appointments
  • going to movies, concerts, or sporting events
  • outdoor sports

That little measure of self-discipline and self care can go a long way. What happens the day after your DOR?

You’ll return to work with your mind and body refreshed and ready to handle whatever the day has in store. Having taken some time to think about what’s really important to you, you’ll be able to spend your time on the most important tasks rather than just spinning your wheels with busy work.

You’ll feel more human! With your over all stress lowered, you’ll find your ability to be patient and compassionate, both with yourself and others, considerably increased.

You’ll have lower risk factors for deadly diseases.A day of rest can be a part of the rhythm of your life–a life extended and improved.

Doing our part
At The Good Life Massage, we are doing what we can to re-introduce a culture that embraces a day of rest and self care. From the beginning, we have only been open six days a week. We give our employees and our clients Sundays off. We encourage everyone to take one day a week to stop and reconnect. We know we’re giving up valuable business in doing this, but to us, self care is worth it. There are more important things than producing and consuming.

A day of rest is a chance to remember who you are: not a producer, not a consumer, not a follower, not a viewer, not a Facebook friend, not a cog in someone’s machine, but a whole and valuable human being.

Give it a try! And enjoy.

Share your experiences and challenges in the comments below.
Tom Gunn is the Marketing Director and official blog editor at The Good Life Massage. You can find him on Twitter @tomgunnpoet or on his website

You Don’t Have to be Rich to Get Regular Massage: Save With Prepaid Packages

If you think massage is out of reach or not practical for you, it might be time to take another look.

Massage has come a long way in the past twenty years. As word has spread about massage’s many benefits for health and wellness, more and more people are coming in to try a session who may never have had one before.

A common misconception about massage is that it’s a luxury service–a personal indulgence that only the rich can afford. Massage chains have contributed a great deal to rolling back this misconception by offering massage at low rates previously unheard of in the spa industry. While this has been great for introducing people to the benefits of massage, the situation is less than perfect, and often isn’t beneficial to the long-term care of clients.

The problem with massage chains…

There's nothing to envy about the hidden costs of massage memberships.
There’s nothing to envy about the hidden costs of massage memberships.

Hidden costs
Massage chains are most often run like gyms: their product is memberships, not massages. You, the customer, commit to a fixed payment each month that entitles you to so many massages within that month. But don’t be too dazzled by the introductory rate. Your monthly costs are usually much higher than the introductory rate, and often come with a start-up fee of some kind.

Revolving door
Further, massage chains can offer the bargains they do because they generally hire newly minted massage therapists fresh out of massage school. Often, these therapists are just looking for work anywhere they can find it. With enrollment in massage training programs at an all-time low, chains throughout the industry are finding it hard to recruit talented therapists whose work is worth coming back for, and who will accept the near-minimum wage chains are offering. The low pay also necessarily makes for a high turn-over rate as massage therapists burn out or find better-paying work elsewhere.

“Can I get Jessie? She did such a great job on my lower back last time.”

“Sorry, she’s no longer with us. Don’t worry, though, Alex is great.”

Even if your favorite therapist is still there, it can be very hard to get in to see them regularly.

The owners of the Good Life Massage both spent some of their careers at major massage chains, and much of what they saw inspired them to strike out on their own. Both wanted to offer clients something more.

The Good Life Massage–meeting you in the middle
We set up GLM not as a luxury service only for the wealthy, but as a wellness center designed to help contribute to a culture of self-care and well-being in a world that’s so often hostile to those things.

For our clients who need regular massage, we designed a system that lowers the price tag of regular sessions considerably, but still provides a great benefit without cumbersome contracts filled with hidden costs and fine print.

Massage packages: How it works
The Good Life Massage offers prepaid massage packages. These allow you to purchase multiple sessions all at once which you can book whenever you like. There’s no contract to sign, no fine print, and no monthly payment to worry about.

When you purchase the package of your choice, you pay up-front for all your massages, getting one for FREE when you buy 5 or more.

What’s the catch?

There’s no catch. Your package doesn’t even expire.

Share and share alike
The best part is that the packages are completely transferable. You can offer your unique package code to anyone you want so they can book a session. Massage chain memberships are tied to your name only, and can’t be used by family, friends, or co-workers.

Your employees or co-workers can all share one redemption code, getting everyone more massage and saving everyone money.
Your employees or co-workers can all share one redemption code, getting everyone more massage and saving everyone money.

A massage package can be a great cost-effective way to give family gifts, provide a perk for your employees, or just save money in the long run on the massages you’re already getting.

Spreading the cost out with a group means even more savings and more massage for everyone.

No revolving door
All our massage therapists are hand-picked by our owner/operators Kylee Davis and Amy Gunn. Both are licensed massage therapists. They hire only the best therapists in the business and pay fair, competitive wages.

We’re here to build lasting relationships with our clients that will help their health and wellness long term, not just fill massage rooms. Our turnover practically non-existent so far, and all our therapists have won loyal clients eager to come back for them again and again.

So what are you waiting for? Massage packages can be ordered through our website. Your package redemption code can be instantly downloaded and used the moment you get it. You can also buy them in-person at our clinic at 200 South Tobin, Ste A in Renton, Washington.

Want to apply a package to your next massage? At checkout, just ask to purchase a package and we can credit the massage you just had to your new package.

Tom Gunn is the Marketing Director and official blogger at The Good Life Massage. You can follow him on Twitter @tomgunnpoet or visit